Our Policies

  • Health, Safety & Wellbeing

    At McHugh & Shaw we are committed to creating a workplace that not only keeps our staff and contractors safe, but also contributes positively to their mental health and wellbeing.

  • Sustainability

    Through this policy we work towards limiting our negative impact and seek opportunities to have a positive impact on the environment, our communities and the people we work with.

  • Confidentiality

    The nature of our work gives us access to information that may not be available to others. It is our responsibility to ensure the security of all confidential or personal information entrusted to us.

  • Conflict of Interest & Impartiality

    This policy guides our staff and contractors to assure our commitment to always provide independent, impartial and fair audits, and other services.

  • Complaints & Appeals Policy

    We are committed to always provide high quality service to our customers and other stakeholders. We recognise that, from time to time, this may include the raising of a complaint or appeal.